
Sunday, November 20, 2022

True identity of life!

When heavens are up in arms, deadly floods will launch military invasion!

Your reward depends on what you think and what you do, we always get what we deserve. But trouble follows us everywhere like our own shadows. Tears teach us to be honest with our own feelings. When storms befall the land, the guilty are always blown away, but honest people are always safe. But if you walk wisely you'll not even stumble when you're about to run. Arrogance make us blind, but sensible minds think before taking action, but arrogant mind is just satisfied with its arrogance.

If money contaminates your wings with heavy arrogance, life will put you to shame and bumble you with painful lessons, but making friends with hot temper might make you adapt their habit yet never be able to change. Intelligence conquers respect, but hate stirs up trouble. Arrogant person never admits whenever he's wrong. Anyone who believes in knowledge wants to be told whenever he's wrong. A little mistake can ruin reputation that took so many decades to build, but you cannot change how people think of you. If you've wronged someone you leave them with nothing but mark of betrayal and disappointment.

New year quotes! 🌍💖💞

May the new year bring you peace, joy and blessings. 2023 has definitely been a year of many trials and tribulations. But we'...