
Wednesday, October 4, 2023


Nature has the best for health and happiness through enhancing of bio-energy in people.

Beauty of nature it's like therapy where sorrow needs no words nor medicine to cure a broken soul. Nature is a source of life, But earth is a sacred source of life. Forests, oceans, Grasslands, livelihoods and wildlife provide us with medicines, food, water and fuel. Nature is the best Doctor, All modern medicines comes from the miracles of nature.
Life should have more mountains and less sorrows, If you look deep into the belly of nature, you will understand the meaning of existence and meaning of life. Nature is the purest portal to inner peace, To walk in nature is to witness a thousand of miracles. "If you truly adore nature" life becomes full of Beaty, Flower sniffing, tree climbing and Animal kissing is everywhere. 

Nature doesn't hurry, Never lose hope, Storms and rains can wreck our lives harder, but never last forever, your hardest times may lead to the greatest moments of your life, No one can stop the sun from shining. Until you spread your wings, you have no idea of how far you can fly. But the art of healing comes from nature and not from the physician. The mission of life is living in agreement with nature. Nature and life are inseparable friends. Nature wields colours of the spirits. 


A man with real deep insight listens while being corrected, but someone with arrogant brain is just satisfied with his stupidity. 

Addiction is a disease that affects my brain and behaviour. When you're addicted to drugs, you can't resist a temptation to use them, no matter how much harm the drugs may cause, The earlier you get treatment for drug addiction, The more likely you're to avoid some of the more dire consequences of the disease. 

It's time to change how we as society address alcohol and misuse and substance use disorders. Substance use disorder is a serious mental health condition in which a person has a problematic pattern of substance use that causes distress. Substance abuse cause physical, financial and emotional problems for you and your loved ones.  You can also get addicted to prescription or illegally obtained narcotic pain medications or opioids. Addiction is when you can't stop, Not when it out your life in danger.
 The best way to avoid drugs is to learn how to cope with stress and relax without drugs, Distracting yourself with activities like exercise or listening to music, knowing how to resist temptation, Avoiding places where alcohol and drugs will be available and surrounding yourself with people who don't use drugs. 
Let's shape the future by protecting kids against drug use, By giving them facts before they're in a dangerous situation. 


Tuesday, October 3, 2023


Conflict handling is difficult, but be aware that conflict can arise at anytime. Critical requirement of staff can either assist to build or break an organisation. It makes no difference in which sector you find yourself, assisting other members of your staff or your colleagues with their work, will add more value and repay you on numerous ways. The more successful the organisation the more successful the staff.
Every body is a main character to someone. Good working relationship assist the staff to create environment where the staff are happy to work and they enjoy what they do, as the atmosphere is friendly and everyone within the workplace is happy and friendly and does not have problems in helping you. This itself goes along way to ensure staff satisfaction and positive cooperation at the workplace, which will lead to increased production within the organisation.

A good colleague listens while being corrected, but arrogant employer is just satisfied with his arrogance. Admission of wrongdoing is never depiction of weakness but a goodwill and fairness. Any conflict situation has to be moved from where it is to the management, All parties involved must be brought together and sat down around the table. Each alternative should be given opportunity to express their views clearly and state their case in the matter, without distraction from other party. A neutral arbitrator or management ought to resolve the matter amicably and  provide fair outcome, once the outcome has been reached, both parties has to learn to concur with one another with regards to any further happenings of the same matter, and should therefore agree to the mutual building of a peaceful environment and new life after conflict.

Prevention and early resolution are the most effective, know time when to ask for assistance. Asses your options and reflect on the situation.  Creativity keep the globe alive, but innovation keep businesses and jobs alive.

Sunday, October 1, 2023


The best and most important things in this world cannot be seen or even be heard, but must be felt with the heart 💞

To love is nothing, but to be loved is something. Yet to love and be loved it's everything under the blue sky. You don't love someone because they're perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they're not. Being gallant is to adore someone unconditionally, without expecting anything in return ♥️

True love cannot be found In the planet where it does not exist, But true love can never fall asleep. True love grants us courage and million reasons to garnish our faces with ravishing smile. True love it's like war, where it's easy to begin but quite hard to stop.  

New year quotes! 🌍💖💞

May the new year bring you peace, joy and blessings. 2023 has definitely been a year of many trials and tribulations. But we'...