
Friday, September 22, 2023


Nature is exquisite and fun, But beauty of nature is a spectacular tribute to the existence and ovulation that can be explored and felt. Rhythm of nature is life, Like the sounds of lakes and rivers that bring us a genius composer and good memories. Alone in the woods of the forests, A bitter hostility of the sky and tallest trees 🌲
Sounds of singing birds earlier in the morning, depict a beauty of life and importance of existence, that no one can adorn. Shadows of the hills remind us about the past, but sunshine in the morning grant us million reasons to keep on going. But hottest sun in the forest reminds a strong warrior that he's wallowing in another man's land.
Green leaves force man to rejoice a gift of life. Blue sky clears up our minds. But shower rain testifies that nature is in charge. But death has proven to anyone that nature is indeed untouchable but arrogant.

Nature is deceitful and magical. But nature lives on forever. 


Nobody hustles harder than a mother who hate asking people for nothing. If there's no shoulder to cry on, There is floor to kneel on. I can't scratch the surface of what is happening in my life, but sometimes it's better to remain silent than telling everyone how i feel. I wasn't trained to survive, , But I'm just surviving. There are days where I'm too hard on myself, sometimes i blame myself when things aren't going well for me, I always feel hurt and disappointed when i fail to live up to expectations. 😭😭

I'm trying not to fall apart, To stop being worried and thinking that i and a failure. If don't take risks, I will always remain slave of the rich, but opponents won't support me, always they to bring me down on my toes. That you're small today doesn't mean that you will be small tomorrow.
One day your hardwork will pay off, Don't stop hustling. 🙏

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Another word for existence!

 When heavens are up in arms ✊ Rivers and lakes will celebrate downfall of the forests. But when heavens are filled with grudges' tears of anger will shed on the surface. But heavens never run out of water. Nature has its own myths and desires. 🌈🌈 When the moon praises Art of nature, The night will celebrate silence of the surface. When nature goes furious, storms and typhoons will betray loyalty of the surface 🌏

Sunday, November 20, 2022

True identity of life!

When heavens are up in arms, deadly floods will launch military invasion!

Your reward depends on what you think and what you do, we always get what we deserve. But trouble follows us everywhere like our own shadows. Tears teach us to be honest with our own feelings. When storms befall the land, the guilty are always blown away, but honest people are always safe. But if you walk wisely you'll not even stumble when you're about to run. Arrogance make us blind, but sensible minds think before taking action, but arrogant mind is just satisfied with its arrogance.

If money contaminates your wings with heavy arrogance, life will put you to shame and bumble you with painful lessons, but making friends with hot temper might make you adapt their habit yet never be able to change. Intelligence conquers respect, but hate stirs up trouble. Arrogant person never admits whenever he's wrong. Anyone who believes in knowledge wants to be told whenever he's wrong. A little mistake can ruin reputation that took so many decades to build, but you cannot change how people think of you. If you've wronged someone you leave them with nothing but mark of betrayal and disappointment.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022


Life begins inside womb of a pregnant woman, when egg of secrets hatches the hidden comes to light. When a man allows arrogance to dominate his own mind, stupidity becomes permanent resident of his own insight. When life has filled with tradegies, sensitivity starts focusing on losses than achievements.

People think what's written in the book is always legit, even lies can be recorded in the book.

 When woman delivers a child'  a new generation arises. When royalty goes blind" the throne quickly forgets that the palace belongs to  people. The palace without people it's like  forest without trees. Women are as nation builders and masters of survival.

You are my strength and pillar of my weakness, Your sacrifices made me an important person in this world. You are my defender when the globe turns against me, When life offers me filthy mud, you assist me turns it into ravishing clay.

I'm really grateful for everything you have done for me. 


Saturday, March 26, 2022


 Good memories make you feel better' but smiling faces improves physical appearance like necklace that garnishes humans appearances. But smile is quite hypocritic' a man might put ravishing smile on his face while hatred has filled to the brim. Better to live out in the desert than sharing roof with problematic soul.

You may wakeup next to somebody each everyday but still never be very person behind their heart. A good wife deserves good husband, a good husband deserves good wife, but it's better to marry husband than marrying houseband, it's wise to marry wife than marrying a knife.

A man never minds walking naked woman down the aisle, but woman cannot put her hands inside the pockets of a naked man.

Kind sayings bring life' but cruel words crush spirit. He who loves truth wants to be corrected.

New year quotes! 🌍💖💞

May the new year bring you peace, joy and blessings. 2023 has definitely been a year of many trials and tribulations. But we'...